Franklin Forward 2040 Comprehensive Plan
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EHI Consultants is thrilled to collaborate with the City of Franklin, Kentucky, and Simpson County on a transformative project focused on land development regulations.
Our expert team is conducting a comprehensive assessment to enhance the existing regulations and create a regulatory planning guide and roadmap. This will include the development of model smart growth ordinances that incorporate best practices in planning and development regulation, with a specific focus on mixed-use development, infill development, market-rate housing, and affordable housing.
In addition to regulatory planning, EHI is actively involved in the development of the city’s Comprehensive Plan, Franklin Forward 2040. This holistic plan encompasses crucial components such as land use, economy, infrastructure, housing, education, tourism, and economic development. To ensure a comprehensive and inclusive approach, we are facilitating a community involvement process that involves a community-wide survey and demographic analysis. By engaging the community, we gather valuable insights and align the plan with the aspirations and needs of the local residents.
To complement these efforts, EHI Consultants is also reviewing and updating planning documents such as subdivision regulations and the zoning ordinance. This comprehensive review ensures that the regulations are up-to-date, effective, and aligned with the vision of the community.